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I have now settled back to life in Wellington, as a new resident of New Zealand, which although doesn't preclude me from working back in London and the EU does commit me to spending at least half of the next two years in the Southern Hemisphere. That said, if challenging projects come up I would be interested in the prospect of becoming involved when ever and where ever they may be..

martin jago
mechanical and electronic effects

Prince Caspian - The Chronicles of Narnia
June 2007 - February 2008 | Walt Disney & Walden Media
Mechanical support crew for the various Motion Control Camera equipment used throughout the New Zealand miniatures and elements shoot for The Chronicals of Narnia - Prince Caspian. Miniatures by Weta Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand.
Initally this involved mechanical modifications to some of the preexisting rigs with senior design engineer Dominic Taylor, later providing support and on set modifications for the camera unit throughout production shooting alongside Tony Reed.