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I have now settled back to life in Wellington, as a new resident of New Zealand, which although doesn't preclude me from working back in London and the EU does commit me to spending at least half of the next two years in the Southern Hemisphere. That said, if challenging projects come up I would be interested in the prospect of becoming involved when ever and where ever they may be..

martin jago
mechanical and electronic effects

University of Bristol - Software / Flight Simulator Interface
1998 - 1999 | BEng Avionics Systems Research Project
The investigation was a feasibilty study and demonstration focused on interfacing a 727-100 cock-pit rig, previously used for commercial airline training by Dan-Air and acquired by the Department of Aerospace in 1992 once decommisioned (unoperational), with pre-existing flight simulation software to accuratly represent the artifical flight data on the physical instrument panel.
Using the visual simulation program developed by fellow student Mandy Kazem in her study "Feedback to Aid Pilot Situational Awareness within the Cockpit" (University of Bristol Undergraduate Project No. 987), written in Visual Basic and with simultaneous monitoring/handshake code developed in C the flight data variables were exported to an IO Board by compiling the monitoring code as a DLL using a Windows NT Workstation. This data was then buffered and converted to the synchro signal required by the flight instrumentation which is driven by an internal synchro-servo motor using the Integrated Flight System to compute the required steering commands.
The investigation was a preliminary one and successful results were obtained on the Artificial Horizon instrumentation to display roll and pitch. Further research was require to apply these results to the remaining instruments that formed the cock-pit rig.